
Data Sharing/Outcomes, Trends, and Indicators (OTIs) Subcommittee

The charge of the Data Sharing and Outcomes, Trends, and Indicators Subcommittee is to map existing criminal justice data systems and identify opportunities for data sharing that enhance system efficiency or facilitate reporting of Executive Order benchmarks or other key criminal justice performance measures.

Evidence-Based Decision Making Subcommittee

The Evidence-Based Decision Making Subcommittee serves as the State-Level EBDM Policy Team, under the State CJCC, with additions to the current membership to meet the decision points and stakeholder groups defined by the National Institute of Corrections.

Executive Subcommittee

The CJCC Executive Subcommittee consists of the Attorney General, the Secretary of Corrections (CJCC Co – Chairs) and the Chair(s) of any existing standing subcommittees. The Executive Subcommittee may act on behalf of the CJCC for purposes specifically authorized by the CJCC and/or in emergency situations. All Executive Subcommittee actions must be reported to the full CJCC at the subsequent CJCC meeting.

Race Equity, Inclusion, and Access Subcommittee

The State Criminal Justice Coordinating Council unanimously approved the creation of the Race Equity, Inclusion, and Access Subcommittee on June 9, 2021.  The Subcommittee held its initial meeting on July 22, 2021.

Mission Statement:

Eliminate systemic barriers to racial and ethnic fairness in the Criminal Justice System by identifying challenges, researching solutions, making recommendations for improvement, and promoting education.

Current goals for the subcommittee include:

Treatment Alternatives and Diversion Subcommittee

Historically, an Advisory Committee for the Treatment Alternatives and Diversion (TAD) program actively participated in the development, implementation, and evaluation of the TAD programs, providing a system-level perspective and invaluable guidance on a wide variety of program issues. Committee members made recommendations for TAD program improvements, and expanded knowledge of TAD programs within their local communities, to the state legislature, and statewide.