The 17-year old Young Adult Offender program (YAO) is a collaboration between the Outagamie County District Attorney’s Office and the Department of Youth and Family Services (YFS). The purpose of the program is to try and keep this group of offenders out of the adult system and off of CCAP. All 17-year old referrals are prescreened by the District Attorney’s Office and those that do not pose immediate risk to the community are sent to YFS for an intake appointment and assessment. If appropriate, they are placed on a 1 year Deferred Prosecution Agreement with conditions deemed appropriate by the assigned Intake Worker. If YFS feels the offender is not appropriate or they violate their conditions, the referral is sent back to the District Attorney’s Office and the case can be formally charged out. If the Offender successfully completes the program, charges are never filed. The Young Adult Offender program was expanded to 18-year olds in March of 2016 and to 19-year olds in September of 2016. The 18-year old and 19-year old program has the same purpose as the 17-year old program. The supervision of 18-year old and 19-year old offenders is managed by the Criminal Justice Treatment Services Department (CJTS). CJTS screens and assesses all 18-year old and 19-year old offenders for program appropriateness. CJTS and Youth and Family Services collaborate to provided services to these offenders. CJTS will refer inappropriate candidates or participants that violate their conditions back to the District Attorney's Office. If the offender successfully completes the program, charges are never filed.
Kim Kurimski
Job Title:
Diversion Coordinator
(920) 832-4746
Outagamie County District Attorney's Office
320 S. Walnut Street
Appleton, WI 54911