Data Sharing/Outcomes, Trends, and Indicators (OTIs) Subcommittee

The charge of the Data Sharing and Outcomes, Trends, and Indicators Subcommittee is to map existing criminal justice data systems and identify opportunities for data sharing that enhance system efficiency or facilitate reporting of Executive Order benchmarks or other key criminal justice performance measures.

In 2014, the Outcomes, Trends, and Indicators (OTIs) Workgroup compiled the state criminal justice data detailed in the CJCC Executive Order and presented to the State CJCC.  The various data sources were compiled by year dating back to 2005, and will form the basis for the CJCC to be able to analyze trends in criminal justice data in Wisconsin. 

Wisconsin Department of Corrections Research Information:

Wisconsin Department of Corrections General Research Information

Wisconsin Department of Corrections Interactive Data Dashboards

Wisconsin Department of Justice Interactive Data Dashboards (click the picture to access the Dashboards):