OWI Treatment Court

Start Date: 
The Intensive Supervision Program (ISP) is available to residents of Price County who have been arrested for his/her second or subsequent Operating While Impaired/Under the Influence offense. Although the program is voluntary, the Judge, the District Attorney, and/or the Defense Attorney may strongly encourage participation in the program. The program is 4-6 months in duration and includes completion of Drivers Safety Plan with DOT; Outpatient Counseling and weekly meetings with Social Work Case Manager. If the individual maintains involvement and successfully completes the program, fines and jail time may be reduced
Risk Level: 
All risk levels
Post-plea/pre-adjudication or conviction
Kathleen Billek
Job Title: 
Disability and Protective Services Division Manager
(715) 339-2158
Price County ISP Program Getting it right this time
PO Box 0088
104 South Eyder Ave
Phillips, WI 54555